Monday, August 8, 2011

Why in the World Did I Choose to Go Vegan?

These are the reasons that I am a Vegan. These are only my opinions. I don't expect you to marry them or write them on your wall. This is just me sharing with you why I do it, because I know your wondering. How do I know? Because you ask me. :)

*Heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the United States for men and women.
That's straight from the mouth of the NIH: NIH: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute.

So how does a vegan diet do anything for that?
A Vegan diet low in oils and fats has been scientifically proven to not only prevent heart disease but to REVERSE it. Yes, this is real life. You can find all of the studies here:

The quick version: this was proven by a 20-year nutritional study—the longest study of its kind ever conducted.

*Because food sustains life.
It keeps me and my husband breathing. That is something very precious. Something that important should be made well. Something that sustains me should be made with time, consideration for life and consideration for the earth. Food should be made well, without the need for suffering. Why? Because for me, I don't want the precious thing that keeps me alive to be made as the result of suffering or pain. That is the antithesis of the very thing that food protects. I don't need any of that.

*Because there is absolutely no need to be anything otherwise.
Despite what common knowledge says, clearly as proven in the studies above you can not only live on a vegan diet: you can reverse heart disease with a vegan diet. Certainly you need to make sure your eating the proper amount of beans, greens, etc. but the same thing is true for meat eaters. Having meat in your food doesn't make you any less prone to poor nutrition. If it did we would not have to worry about heart disease and obesity. These are things that are becoming more and more of a problem for the US every year, and these are things you very rarely see in vegans.

So why, for a simple palate preference, would I cause pain and suffering to conscious living creatures?
Suffering is a high price to pay for heart problems and struggling with my weight. Its one that I am not willing to pay.